Full Site

Reed Lake (SK034)


Reed Lake (SK034)

Morse, Saskatchewan

Latitude 50.402°N
Longitude 107.097°W
Altitude 642 - 697m
Area 58.92km²

Site Description

Situated in southwestern Saskatchewan, Reed Lake is a shallow saline lake (14 km by 3-4 km) that lies parallel to the Trans-Canada highway. The towns of Herbert and Morse are located on the north shore of the lake. The water source for the lake is from intermittent creeks and general spring runoff. As a result, the water levels are subject to wide fluctuation from year to year depending on the amount of spring runoff and precipitation. Several small islands are present within the lake. The lake is surrounded by rangeland and cultivated land.


During the spring migration, the lake supports significant numbers of staging waterfowl and shorebirds. For shorebirds, peak one-day counts have consistently been greater than 5,000, with as many as 11,327 shorebirds being recorded during a one-day count in 1993. A total of 2,265 Stilt Sandpipers were tallied on May 26, 1993, which represents about 2.3% of the global population. Large numbers of Tundra Swans have also been recorded at the site with as many as 5,000 being recorded (about 2.5% of the North American population). It is likely that swans from both the eastern and western populations utilize this site. During the fall migration, as many as 5,500 Canvasbacks have been recorded (just under 1% of their estimated population) along with about 5,000 Snow Geese.

At times, large numbers of Franklin's Gulls have also been recorded at this lake; in 1987, 30,000 gulls were present during the mid-summer this would represent about 6% of the world's estimated population. Moulting waterfowl also use this site, with numbers ranging as high as 6,000; some of the more abundant species include Northern Shoveler and Redhead.

The globally vulnerable and nationally endangered Piping Plover has also been recorded at this site, but never in large numbers. Also, there are small colonies of American White Pelican and Double-crested Cormorant on the lake.

Conservation Issues

Drought and associated fluctuations in water levels can reduce habitat availability for staging waterfowl. The increased salinity associated with lower water levels may also affect primary productivity and subsequent use of the lake by birds. In 1997, Reed Lake, along with Chaplin and Old Wives Lake, was recognized as a Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network site of "hemispheric" significance.

IBA Criteria Habitats Land Uses Potential or Ongoing Threats Conservation Status
Franklin's Gull
Number Year Season
Ross's Goose
Number Year Season
Tundra Swan
Number Year Season
Long-billed Dowitcher
Number Year Season
2,000 - 3,0002012Fall
American White Pelican
Number Year Season
Number Year Season
Whooping Crane
Number Year Season
Red Knot
Number Year Season
127 - 4002021Spring
120 - 1502015Spring
200 - 3752011Spring
Snow Goose
Number Year Season